Daily Dialed: Ashlee M.
Coordinates: Middlebury, CT - USA
Local Time: April 8th, 2009 11:56pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
Sometimes people call late at night - to ask what kind of dinosaur you'd want to be - and then you defend your choice in a state of partial consciousness. That has probably NEVER happened ONCE in all of history - and Ashlee was certainly the first person to choose to be a Cannibalistic Defender of the Herbivores!
Ashlee: (clearly was asleep) hello?
Vega: Ashlee, good morning - sort of - hey did you buy some CreditCovers recently?
Ashlee: What? no, I didn't buy anything.
Vega: Well I'm pretty sure you did, I'm asking if you own CreditCovers - skins for your Creditcards - did you buy some recently?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah yeah...
Vega: Amazing - how's that working out for you? Did you get them alright? What are people saying about them?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah I got them a couple weeks ago or a month or something - people like them, they ask what they are and I tell them.
Vega: Very cool, well my name's Vincent Vega and this is something called the dailydial - where I call CreditCover owners and ask them fun random questions.
Ashlee: Oh, okay, cool -
Vega: So if you could be any dinosaur - which one would you be and why?
Ashlee: Wow, that is random... probably Tyrannosaurus Rex so I wouldn't be eaten.
Vega: That's a good plan, you'd have to eat a bunch of dinosaurs though...
Ashlee: BUT I'd be a NICE Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Vega: Really? I'm not sure you'd be alive for very long - T-Rex needed to eat meat, would you scavenge for already dead dinosaurs? what would you do for food?
Ashlee: Yeah, that's true - but I'd eat the mean Tyrannosauruses!
Vega: Okay! So you'd sort of be an herbivore defense squad... Very cool:)
Ashlee: Yeah...
Vega: Awesome, go back to sleep Ashlee - I love the way your brain works.
Ashlee: Goodnight!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Ashlee. Proving ONCE AGAIN that CreditCover owners are the most creative, attractive, intelligent humans on Earth. We wish you the sweetest of Tyrannosaurus slaying dreams, Ashlee - Hero of the Herbivores;)
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