Saturday, April 4, 2009

Daily Dial 005: Welcome to Jamaica!!!

Daily Dialed: Philip H.
Coordinates: Jamaica(just kidding not the real jamaica), New York.
Local Time: Friday April 3rd 7:59pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega

This kid clearly thought he was being harassed by a prank caller OR an FBI agent - but it was neither... It was - THE DAILY DIAL!!! Silly Jamaican - Tricks are for Kids;)

Philip: Hello?

PHILIP - Is this PHILIP H.???

uhm, yes - who's this?

Philip, this is Vincent Vega calling with the Daily Dial for CreditCovers. Philip, do you own a CreditCover?

Okay, yeah I own one that I bought a while ago...

Dude, wow, you sounded like you thought I was the FBI when I first called:) I'm NOT the FBI. This is something we do every day where I call random owners and ask them about their adventures with CreditCovers.

Yeah, I didn't know WHO you were. I bought the BlackOut design because I didn't like the way my card looked, just wanted it to look different.

Awesome - So what's the craziest thing that's happened so far with your CreditCover?

Philip: Alot of people comment on it - they don't know what it is at first...

Vega: Yeah, they need to be educated:) So I actually used to drive past where you live on the way to Edinboro University from my house - and I remember I was always like "shit, how is it legal for a town to name itself after a Country??? Jamaica - that's not cool - now I want Palm Trees!!!"

Philip: Ha, yeah I guess.

Vega: So what are you doing RIGHT NOW, Philip?

Uhm, I'm driving.

Vega: Insane - I'm watching the sunset in short shorts. Seriously.

haha, cool.

Yes. Well listen man, keep spreading the gospel and I'll talk to you soon!

Cool, well I'm definitely going to be buying some more CreditCovers man -

Vega: Awesome - Peace;)

This kid is on the path to enlightenment - he just needs some more tickets to the show - like some more designs in his arsenal of cards... Oh, and Philip - we've got a little something just for the REAL Jamaican in you;) PULL UP!

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