Daily Dialed: Emily S.
Coordinates: Pacific Grove, USA
Local Time: Thursday April 2nd, 10:20am
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
It's time to get down from your mechanical bulls and leave your twister mats to rejoin the work force - that's right, it's Friday... morning!!! This girl was the most talkative person I've ever called and it was 7:20am in her realiTEA. New puppy, CreditCover eaten by an evil machine, Lover of all things caffeinated, Emily - from all of us at CreditCovers: How do you feel about cloning?
Emily: (sleepy) hello?
Vega: Hi, is this Emily S?
Emily: Yes, who's this?
Vega: Emily, GOOD MORNING - this is Vincent Vega calling with CreditCovers, did I wake you up?
Emily: No, no... I was up - just haven't had my coffee yet:)
Vega: Nice, well this is the DailyDial where we call random CreditCover owners and ask about their experience with CreditCovers, but yours haven't arrived yet because they were just sent out - so I wanted to call you to see what the apprehension is like - are you excited to get them?
Emily: Actually, I've had CreditCovers for a while -
Vega: Oh, so you're RE-ordering more CreditCovers? Badass!
Emily: Yeah, this guy came into where I used to work and he had a "BloodSuckers" Cover and I was like "I love that, I want one" so I bought it. Then I bought a bunch more of the "Spot On" Obama ones and started giving them out to my friends. But I just lost my favorite Cover...
Vega: How did that happen?
Emily: Well, you know how if you don't get your card in like 45 seconds when you use the ATM it will keep it so that it doesn't get stolen? Well I forgot my card, so the machine sucked it back in when I walked away - and then I called the bank and this lady was like "Oh, your card was the one with the cool Bloodsucking Financial Institution writing on it, right? WE SHREDDED IT!"
Vega: What? That sucks! I guess they do that to all the cards but she had to be like "Oh, this one right here? I'm destroying it, Muahahahaha!"
Emily: haha, yeah - so the bank I used to work for merged with this other bank that sucks and they didn't even ask us about the decision so I bailed, and now I need to have a BloodSuckers...
That's how I feel about them.
Vega: Wow, awesome - so I have a question, Emily - If gravity suddenly reversed itself, what would you want to be holding onto?
Emily: Oh, my new puppy, he's a black lab and his name is Clyde!!!
Vega: Emily, you're awesome. Have a great Friday -
Emily: You too!
Vega: Talk soon.
I'm pretty sure that Clyde is the luckiest dog alive, because Emily sounds like a kickass roomate. When asked what they would hold onto, the vast majority of humans say "a tree, a building, a fence" something stationary to preserve their life - but Emily wants to float away in peace with Clyde and her CreditCovers... Rock on, Emily:)

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