Thursday, April 23, 2009
Obama Advisor Doses Off During Meeting with Credit Card Executives
While details are sketchy, we are guessing the credit card execs were discussing their new plan for designs on credit cards. Should have sent in Credit Covers.
They would have loved our suite of designs for Obama!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Daily Dial 008: Vegetarian T-Rex Killer
Daily Dialed: Ashlee M.
Coordinates: Middlebury, CT - USA
Local Time: April 8th, 2009 11:56pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
Sometimes people call late at night - to ask what kind of dinosaur you'd want to be - and then you defend your choice in a state of partial consciousness. That has probably NEVER happened ONCE in all of history - and Ashlee was certainly the first person to choose to be a Cannibalistic Defender of the Herbivores!
Ashlee: (clearly was asleep) hello?
Vega: Ashlee, good morning - sort of - hey did you buy some CreditCovers recently?
Ashlee: What? no, I didn't buy anything.
Vega: Well I'm pretty sure you did, I'm asking if you own CreditCovers - skins for your Creditcards - did you buy some recently?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah yeah...
Vega: Amazing - how's that working out for you? Did you get them alright? What are people saying about them?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah I got them a couple weeks ago or a month or something - people like them, they ask what they are and I tell them.
Vega: Very cool, well my name's Vincent Vega and this is something called the dailydial - where I call CreditCover owners and ask them fun random questions.
Ashlee: Oh, okay, cool -
Vega: So if you could be any dinosaur - which one would you be and why?
Ashlee: Wow, that is random... probably Tyrannosaurus Rex so I wouldn't be eaten.
Vega: That's a good plan, you'd have to eat a bunch of dinosaurs though...
Ashlee: BUT I'd be a NICE Tyrannosaurus Rex!
Vega: Really? I'm not sure you'd be alive for very long - T-Rex needed to eat meat, would you scavenge for already dead dinosaurs? what would you do for food?
Ashlee: Yeah, that's true - but I'd eat the mean Tyrannosauruses!
Vega: Okay! So you'd sort of be an herbivore defense squad... Very cool:)
Ashlee: Yeah...
Vega: Awesome, go back to sleep Ashlee - I love the way your brain works.
Ashlee: Goodnight!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Ashlee. Proving ONCE AGAIN that CreditCover owners are the most creative, attractive, intelligent humans on Earth. We wish you the sweetest of Tyrannosaurus slaying dreams, Ashlee - Hero of the Herbivores;)
Monday, April 6, 2009
High School Boosters Love CreditCovers
CreditCovers have been used for a lot of different things, but we are really excited about their use as high school boosters.The most recent high school booster club to work with us was for the North East Pickers. The girls volley ball team purchased a bunch with the schools logo on them. They will be selling these as a fundraiser for the athletic program. The students will love these as there is no other way to get your high school mascot on your debit card. Parents & Grandparents love these as well.
Have your high school boosters program check out: for more info on a great fundraiser with over 500% ROI.
DailyDial 007: Hang On, I'm Using My CreditCover.
Daily Dialed: Jeff A.
Coordinates: Chicago, IL
Local Time: April 7th, 2009 2:46pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
You know when you just HAVE to have a RedBull and you're using your CreditCovered card to buy it and then Vincent Vega calls you and wants to know about cool things that have happened to you since you've become a CreditCovers owner? Well - Jeff does!!!
Jeff: Hello, This is Jeff -
Vega: Jeff, hi - this is Vincent calling with CreditCovers, how are you?
Jeff: Oh, I'm good, I actually don't need any Car Covers right now.
Vega: Wait, that's cool man - I'm not trying to sell you any CreditCovers, I actually call owners of CreditCovers every day and ask them cool questions about their experience - you already own CreditCovers - right?
Jeff: Oh, CREDITcovers! sorry, I've also been shopping for CAR Covers and I thought you were one of the salesmen for those!
Vega: Yeah, No way man:) I'm not calling to sell you anything - just to hear about your experience with CreditCovers, do you have any cool stories about CreditCovers that you want to tell?
Jeff: You know - hang on ONE second, I'm at a Walgreens checking out - I'm using a CreditCover right now to buy a redbull, actually! It's been one of those days - Give me one second and I'll be able to give you my full attention.
Vega: Okay, cool:)
Jeff: Okay, I'm back - so I don't think I have any really cool stories about CreditCovers - just people noticing and asking about them, I have the Water Series one right now, my other one was on a card that the bank terminated after they had some security breach in their system and had to send out all new cards to everyone...
Vega: That sucks!
Jeff: Yeah, I actually need to get some more Covers - can I do that on the phone with you?
Vega: well, I actually make it a point to never try to SELL anything, I just call to check in with the coolest customer base in the world - but you can definitely go to the website and hook it up there.
Jeff: Nice, I'll do that in the next couple days, been meaning to - so I guess I don't really have any crazy stories about Creditcovers...
Vega: I don't know man, you forgot about that time that Vincent Vega called you WHILE you were using a CreditCover to buy RedBull - that's a pretty crazy story!
Jeff: Haha, yeah I guess so - that was crazy;)
Vega: Awesome man, well have a great day and I'll talk to you soon!
Well, Jeff - there you go - you never know what's going to happen when you own creditcovers;) Just keep drinking redbulls and fighting the tide of CAR cover salesmen that harass you! I'll give you a call in a couple months - enough time to journal the adventures with your new batch of CreditCovers -
Daily Dial 006: Would You Like Some Mauro?
Daily Dialed: Mauro M.
Coordinates: Ridgewood, NY - USA
Local Time: April 6th, 2009 12:46pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
Happy Lunchtime, Superfreaks!!! Mauro knows what HE'S taking to a desert island - DO YOU? It's an easy mental formula - just ask yourself the question "if I was going to get stuck on a desert island I would take CreditCovers and ____________." What would you want to have with you after scoring style points with the Island's native inhabitants???
Mauro: Hello?
Vega: Hey, is this Mauro?
Mauro: Yes.
Vega: Mauro - this is Vincent Vega with the DailyDial for CreditCovers, what are you doing right now? I'm hearing alot of noise...
Mauro: I'm just walking to work - it's loud.
Vega: Cool! So how did CreditCovers find you?
Mauro: Well my wife met the company owner and he gave her a couple samples - so I saw
them and went online and got the Black and White ones.
Vega: Awesome, she met Anthony!
Mauro: Yes -
Vega: Well, we call people who own CreditCovers to get to know our customers better and it's awesome that you're out there showing them off!
Mauro: Yes, I wanted to get a custom card but these are really cool and easy.
Vega: So Mauro - I have a question for you, are you ready?
Mauro: Sure -
Vega: So here's the scenario: You're going to a desert Island and can only take 2 items - You take CreditCovers and What else?
Mauro: hahaha, well - I guess my cellphone.
Vega: Good choice, Mauro - have an awesome day!
Mauro: yes - you too.
Mauro wasn't the most verbose person I've ever spoken with - but he didn't hesitate in developing his arsenal of tools for survival... Because the only thing more important than impressing the retailers on a desert island - is calling your friends to brag about it;) Hey Mauro - I only brought a Knife and some water - can I make some calls or are you over your
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Daily Dial 005: Welcome to Jamaica!!!
Daily Dialed: Philip H.
Coordinates: Jamaica(just kidding not the real jamaica), New York.
Local Time: Friday April 3rd 7:59pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
This kid clearly thought he was being harassed by a prank caller OR an FBI agent - but it was neither... It was - THE DAILY DIAL!!! Silly Jamaican - Tricks are for Kids;)
Philip: Hello?
Vega: PHILIP - Is this PHILIP H.???
Philip: uhm, yes - who's this?
Vega: Philip, this is Vincent Vega calling with the Daily Dial for CreditCovers. Philip, do you own a CreditCover?
Philip: Okay, yeah I own one that I bought a while ago...
Vega: Dude, wow, you sounded like you thought I was the FBI when I first called:) I'm NOT the FBI. This is something we do every day where I call random owners and ask them about their adventures with CreditCovers.
Philip: Yeah, I didn't know WHO you were. I bought the BlackOut design because I didn't like the way my card looked, just wanted it to look different.
Vega: Awesome - So what's the craziest thing that's happened so far with your CreditCover?
Philip: Alot of people comment on it - they don't know what it is at first...
Vega: Yeah, they need to be educated:) So I actually used to drive past where you live on the way to Edinboro University from my house - and I remember I was always like "shit, how is it legal for a town to name itself after a Country??? Jamaica - that's not cool - now I want Palm Trees!!!"
Philip: Ha, yeah I guess.
Vega: So what are you doing RIGHT NOW, Philip?
Philip: Uhm, I'm driving.
Vega: Insane - I'm watching the sunset in short shorts. Seriously.
Philip: haha, cool.
Vega: Yes. Well listen man, keep spreading the gospel and I'll talk to you soon!
Philip: Cool, well I'm definitely going to be buying some more CreditCovers man -
Vega: Awesome - Peace;)
This kid is on the path to enlightenment - he just needs some more tickets to the show - like some more designs in his arsenal of cards... Oh, and Philip - we've got a little something just for the REAL Jamaican in you;) PULL UP!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Daily Dial 004: Bonnie and Clyde
Daily Dialed: Emily S.
Coordinates: Pacific Grove, USA
Local Time: Thursday April 2nd, 10:20am
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
It's time to get down from your mechanical bulls and leave your twister mats to rejoin the work force - that's right, it's Friday... morning!!! This girl was the most talkative person I've ever called and it was 7:20am in her realiTEA. New puppy, CreditCover eaten by an evil machine, Lover of all things caffeinated, Emily - from all of us at CreditCovers: How do you feel about cloning?
Emily: (sleepy) hello?
Vega: Hi, is this Emily S?
Emily: Yes, who's this?
Vega: Emily, GOOD MORNING - this is Vincent Vega calling with CreditCovers, did I wake you up?
Emily: No, no... I was up - just haven't had my coffee yet:)
Vega: Nice, well this is the DailyDial where we call random CreditCover owners and ask about their experience with CreditCovers, but yours haven't arrived yet because they were just sent out - so I wanted to call you to see what the apprehension is like - are you excited to get them?
Emily: Actually, I've had CreditCovers for a while -
Vega: Oh, so you're RE-ordering more CreditCovers? Badass!
Emily: Yeah, this guy came into where I used to work and he had a "BloodSuckers" Cover and I was like "I love that, I want one" so I bought it. Then I bought a bunch more of the "Spot On" Obama ones and started giving them out to my friends. But I just lost my favorite Cover...
Vega: How did that happen?
Emily: Well, you know how if you don't get your card in like 45 seconds when you use the ATM it will keep it so that it doesn't get stolen? Well I forgot my card, so the machine sucked it back in when I walked away - and then I called the bank and this lady was like "Oh, your card was the one with the cool Bloodsucking Financial Institution writing on it, right? WE SHREDDED IT!"
Vega: What? That sucks! I guess they do that to all the cards but she had to be like "Oh, this one right here? I'm destroying it, Muahahahaha!"
Emily: haha, yeah - so the bank I used to work for merged with this other bank that sucks and they didn't even ask us about the decision so I bailed, and now I need to have a BloodSuckers...
That's how I feel about them.
Vega: Wow, awesome - so I have a question, Emily - If gravity suddenly reversed itself, what would you want to be holding onto?
Emily: Oh, my new puppy, he's a black lab and his name is Clyde!!!
Vega: Emily, you're awesome. Have a great Friday -
Emily: You too!
Vega: Talk soon.
I'm pretty sure that Clyde is the luckiest dog alive, because Emily sounds like a kickass roomate. When asked what they would hold onto, the vast majority of humans say "a tree, a building, a fence" something stationary to preserve their life - but Emily wants to float away in peace with Clyde and her CreditCovers... Rock on, Emily:)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Daily Dial 003: Aliens LOVE April Fool's
Daily Dialed: Felicia
Coordinates: Las Vegas, USA
Local Time: Wednesday April 1st, 11:00 pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega
April Fools was over for the CreditCovers on the East Coast... but on the West Coast they were still celebrating!!! Soooo I decided to call and chat with a human from a Timezone to the left of me - She was a little apprehensive about taking a phonecall at 11:22pm, but when I mentioned aliens I think she started to relax.
Felicia: (random background noise of typing and television) Hello???
Vega: Hi, is this Felicia?
Felicia: Uh, yeah - who's this?
Vega: This is Vincent calling with CreditCovers, do you know how long you've had your CreditCovers?
Felicia: Oh, I don't know - haha - probably like a year or so?
Vega: Cool, so once in a while we call random customers to see how their experience with their Covers has been and hear about any cool stories they might have to tell us........ Do you have any cool stories to tell us, Felicia?
Felicia: Not really, sometimes people will say "what's this thing on your card?"
Vega: And what do you tell them when they ask?
Felicia: I just tell them "it's a CreditCover".
Vega: Is that the craziest thing that's ever happened?
Felicia: Uhm, yeah -
Vega: You should start telling them that it's your alien tracking device when they ask - I bet then you'd have some crazy stories in NO time.
Felicia: Haha, yeah...
Vega: Well you have a great night, Felicia - next time I call I want some crazy stories.
Felicia: Alright, goodnight.
This girl made me realize that CreditCovers are the ultimate pet - they're cute, great for starting conversations with the opposite sex, and they NEVER PEE ON ANYTHING. So go adopt some more CreditCovers, or if you don't have any - wait, there is NO way you're cool enough to read this blog without having any CreditCovers;)
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