Thursday, February 18, 2010

CreditCovers featured in Shoptimism by Lee Eisenberg

I got this note from my friend Kristi Moe of Moe Publicity on my facebook wall :
"Here I am in bed reading a new book: 'Shoptimism' by Lee Eisenberg. Page 37 is my fav cuz its got CreditCovers all over it! Congrats :)))) Ummm can u please slow down ur takeover of the entire world? I need to catch up!! now get the f*ck outta my bed hehehehe"
Thanks, Kristi. Not sure about the world takeover, but CreditCovers were certainly mentioned in Shoptimism by Lee Eisenberg. Lee is the New York Times Best Selling Author of Numbers and his new book Shoptimism is about why Americans will never stop spending.

On page 37 Eisenberg is talking about how consumers buy to express themselves and mentions a variety of personalization trends.
"The New York Times also brought news of CreditCovers, a Web site that sells 'skins' for credit cards, graphic designs to paste over the front of your plastic...One of the more popular CreditCovers is a rendering of a whacked out eagle and the words BLOODSUCKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. Timely, no?"
He's talking about one of my favorite designs from Todd Francis.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Banks Sucking Hatian Blood

via Huffington Post: As Wallets Open For Haiti, Credit Card Companies Take A Big Cut

The basic idea is folks are complaining that the CreditCard companies will make a huge profit over the millions in money folks are donating using CreditCards and some say the big banks should waive all fees on non-profit donations.

I don't see this as something we need a law around -- if i ran a CC company I would capitalize on a new card that is designed to help people in need... 1% of all purchases goes to charity (vs. cash back or rewards) and NO transaction fee on donations to non-profits who registered with us or something.. win-win. No reason to legislate something that would be an obvious competative advantage to the creditcard companies who are fighting for customers.. they pay around $100 - $1000 to acquire 1 new customer.. its' crazy.

Additionally, I don't really mind if a CC company makes a profit off certain charities (mainly, ones I don't like), and I could also argue that if anyone needed reduced fees it would be small businesses.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Collar Card puts collar stays in your wallet

Once in a while we come accross (read saw in this mornings Thrillist) other products that have to do with Credit Cards. And naturally, we feel a kinship towards these companies -- those who have braved the storm and pressed on to create wallet sized genius.

Collar Card is a set of 4 collar stays (ask your girlfriend what they are) contained in a credit card sized card.

Company Site: Collar Card - Never be without collar stays again!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dailydial 009: What's The Opposite of Milk?

Daily Dialed: Amanda J.P.
Coordinates: Vinton, Louisiana
Local Time: May 3'rd, 2009 10:08pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega

Ever play the opposite game with a complete stranger after your bedtime? No, it's not a new Stephen King novel - it's the daily dial and Amanda loves it:D

Amanda: hello?

Vega: HI, is this Amanda???

Amanda: Yes, this is her - who's this?

Vega: Well, this is Vincent with the dailydial for CreditCovers - your covers were sent out a couple weeks ago, and I'm calling to make sure that they got there okay and to hear how people are reacting to them so far!

Amanda: Oh, people like them alot - they ask me what that is - cause I got the PreppyPink design and it sort of stands out...

Vega: that's awesome - I love that you have one that is unmistakably NOT a creditcard:) that's cool that you've only had it for a week and people are already commenting on it -

Amanda: yeah, I end up having to tell them where to get them but it's cool getting to talk to new people and stuff.

Vega: Absolutely - listen, Amanda I have a very important question to ask you that's going to seem a little random - but I want you to give it your best shot, okay?

Amanda: uhm, okay I'll try.

Vega: What is the opposite of milk?

Amanda: oh, gosh - I don't know -

Vega: there are no right and wrong answers.

Amanda: hmmmmmmmm... water?

Vega: fantastic - you know about 90% of people I ask say water - it's sort of a default answer.

Amanda: really?

Vega: Yep - really. But that's cool. Listen, Amanda - have an awesome day and thanks for being cool enough to buy CreditCovers:)

Amanda: haha, okay - thanks. Have a good night.

When I was first heard this question in a song I was while I was helping proof a friend's CD debut, I thought about it for a few minutes before deciding that the answer was balsamic vinegar - it's black, acidic, and nobody puts milk on their salad;) Hope you have a great day, Kids - get yourself hooked up with some CreditCovers and maybe you'll be next on the dailydial's random question platform;)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama Advisor Doses Off During Meeting with Credit Card Executives

We stole this from TMZ

While details are sketchy, we are guessing the credit card execs were discussing their new plan for designs on credit cards. Should have sent in Credit Covers.

They would have loved our suite of designs for Obama!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

Daily Dial 008: Vegetarian T-Rex Killer

Daily Dialed: Ashlee M.
Coordinates: Middlebury, CT - USA
Local Time: April 8th, 2009 11:56pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega

Sometimes people call late at night - to ask what kind of dinosaur you'd want to be - and then you defend your choice in a state of partial consciousness. That has probably NEVER happened ONCE in all of history - and Ashlee was certainly the first person to choose to be a Cannibalistic Defender of the Herbivores!

Ashlee: (clearly was asleep) hello?

Ashlee, good morning - sort of - hey did you buy some CreditCovers recently?

What? no, I didn't buy anything.

Well I'm pretty sure you did, I'm asking if you own CreditCovers - skins for your Creditcards - did you buy some recently?

Oh, yeah yeah...

Amazing - how's that working out for you? Did you get them alright? What are people saying about them?

Oh, yeah I got them a couple weeks ago or a month or something - people like them, they ask what they are and I tell them.

Very cool, well my name's Vincent Vega and this is something called the dailydial - where I call CreditCover owners and ask them fun random questions.

Oh, okay, cool -

So if you could be any dinosaur - which one would you be and why?

Wow, that is random... probably Tyrannosaurus Rex so I wouldn't be eaten.

That's a good plan, you'd have to eat a bunch of dinosaurs though...

BUT I'd be a NICE Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Really? I'm not sure you'd be alive for very long - T-Rex needed to eat meat, would you scavenge for already dead dinosaurs? what would you do for food?

Yeah, that's true - but I'd eat the mean Tyrannosauruses!

Okay! So you'd sort of be an herbivore defense squad... Very cool:)


Awesome, go back to sleep Ashlee - I love the way your brain works.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Ashlee. Proving ONCE AGAIN that CreditCover owners are the most creative, attractive, intelligent humans on Earth. We wish you the sweetest of Tyrannosaurus slaying dreams, Ashlee - Hero of the Herbivores;)

Monday, April 6, 2009

High School Boosters Love CreditCovers

CreditCovers have been used for a lot of different things, but we are really excited about their use as high school boosters.The most recent high school booster club to work with us was for the North East Pickers. The girls volley ball team purchased a bunch with the schools logo on them. They will be selling these as a fundraiser for the athletic program. The students will love these as there is no other way to get your high school mascot on your debit card. Parents & Grandparents love these as well.

Have your high school boosters program check out: for more info on a great fundraiser with over 500% ROI.