Thursday, May 14, 2009

Collar Card puts collar stays in your wallet

Once in a while we come accross (read saw in this mornings Thrillist) other products that have to do with Credit Cards. And naturally, we feel a kinship towards these companies -- those who have braved the storm and pressed on to create wallet sized genius.

Collar Card is a set of 4 collar stays (ask your girlfriend what they are) contained in a credit card sized card.

Company Site: Collar Card - Never be without collar stays again!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dailydial 009: What's The Opposite of Milk?

Daily Dialed: Amanda J.P.
Coordinates: Vinton, Louisiana
Local Time: May 3'rd, 2009 10:08pm
DailyDialer: Vincent Vega

Ever play the opposite game with a complete stranger after your bedtime? No, it's not a new Stephen King novel - it's the daily dial and Amanda loves it:D

Amanda: hello?

Vega: HI, is this Amanda???

Amanda: Yes, this is her - who's this?

Vega: Well, this is Vincent with the dailydial for CreditCovers - your covers were sent out a couple weeks ago, and I'm calling to make sure that they got there okay and to hear how people are reacting to them so far!

Amanda: Oh, people like them alot - they ask me what that is - cause I got the PreppyPink design and it sort of stands out...

Vega: that's awesome - I love that you have one that is unmistakably NOT a creditcard:) that's cool that you've only had it for a week and people are already commenting on it -

Amanda: yeah, I end up having to tell them where to get them but it's cool getting to talk to new people and stuff.

Vega: Absolutely - listen, Amanda I have a very important question to ask you that's going to seem a little random - but I want you to give it your best shot, okay?

Amanda: uhm, okay I'll try.

Vega: What is the opposite of milk?

Amanda: oh, gosh - I don't know -

Vega: there are no right and wrong answers.

Amanda: hmmmmmmmm... water?

Vega: fantastic - you know about 90% of people I ask say water - it's sort of a default answer.

Amanda: really?

Vega: Yep - really. But that's cool. Listen, Amanda - have an awesome day and thanks for being cool enough to buy CreditCovers:)

Amanda: haha, okay - thanks. Have a good night.

When I was first heard this question in a song I was while I was helping proof a friend's CD debut, I thought about it for a few minutes before deciding that the answer was balsamic vinegar - it's black, acidic, and nobody puts milk on their salad;) Hope you have a great day, Kids - get yourself hooked up with some CreditCovers and maybe you'll be next on the dailydial's random question platform;)